If you decide to download it anyway and you get passed 12.2% let me know please. I don't know if the torrent is fucked or if I'm doing something wrong. If you want to give it a try here's the torrent. Karl Gnass Spirit of the Post missing part 4 - !7ngkTYiT!dFHIw9uFBbMih9KHApd2Yw Karl Gnass Spirit of the Pose (NMA I think) - !30o2QCya!TWMgOxPJlGXWydwoS1czdg Vitruvian Studio Portrait Drawing - !JU9F3B5Y!s4YlpJfOkOlkOSsCvX5F6gĭigital Drawing Correction?Figure Tutorial?. Ty Carter Color - !DKRDBSgD!tNWAYvCAqVzxZBq4gO9yiA Proko Anatomy - !UC5FDCCL!q7aDFUj9ebh3Eh1ikQDqhQĬGMA Art of color and light - !CHBUEahQ!YmW9EueacdNsKW3mZYGRRAĭigital Painting Marco Bucci - !KKA0UQiA!IQZo0gy_yH5OAwKsPEIdqg Proko figure drawing - !gpAyxSYK!wRqIgzf8Eh8S7hw0rU8UDw Proko portrait drawing - !0NkRBJoa!Il717YoIbJjIAk4rJba5SA Hampton's Analytical Figure Drawing Course !8qA2FLDQ!9ADn1WRz-YcH7H9M3i11dg Russian Drawing Course - !v8cVRIpY!I7lqQezZrA99ZifIiRbgEw Vilppu stuff - !RIx3TJxJ!_Nna8t01kP圎NJ8KSzXqwg!EUJHgKAZ Constructive figure drawing 1-3 - !xhohmbIR!Z9Sg85jVRTc6_Ea1YZdvCg